Can I purchase an Ice Cubz container?

Proudly Based Out of Illinois | See Our Inventory Reduction Specials


1. Can I purchase an Ice Cubz container?

Yes, we will have units for sale in the near future.

2. Do I have to get it there? Does it fit on a trailer or does it require a semi?

We handle the delivery and set up to your site via our tilt bed trailer.

3. What if something happens to it that was in my control? Out of my control?

If you are experiencing problems with your unit we can be reached 24/7/365 at 833-ICE-CUBZ. We will also have a troubleshooting guide posted on this web site and attached to the unit.

4. Is there a dial so I can decide how cold?

Yes, there is a push button controller to set the Temperature on the unit. Instructions will be included with the unit and can also be found on the specifications page of our web site.

5. How do you transfer good from home base to drop site?

The unit can be loaded once we have it delivered to your site.

6. Once you power up, how long does it take to get cold?

There are many variables that control the temperature pull down time frame. The temperature of your product when loaded, the number of door openings and the ambient temperature to name just a few. The unit and container has been designed to achieve maximum cooling capacity.