Giving Back
Local Business – Small Community – Giving Back!
We’d like to give a big thumbs up to Jamieson Community Center in Monmouth, Illinois for the great community services they have provided since 1965 and giving back to the community! They offer a wide range of community services such as a food pantry, senior citizen meal deliveries, S.T.A.R.S. (students to arrive ready for school) program to name just a few ways they serve our community. We were so excited when Jamieson Community Center contacted us when they needed additional cold storage space for the various food distribution services they offer. We are so happy to loan one of our portable cold storage units to help with the increased demand for food during the COVID-19 crisis.
•Please visit their website to learn more about this great community resource that we should not take for granted!•
We are always looking for local charities to support here in Henderson County and the surrounding area. If you’re involved in or know of a good cause please give us some ideas!
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