Container Knowledge Is Power
Ignorance is Blissful or Knowledge is Power?
Not sure which of these two saying is better, correct or truthful, but if I had to pick, I would pick Knowledge is Power. Ignorance is Blissful but I never knew how much power there is in container knowledge. Knowledge and continuing to learn has served me well in my life. I suppose I am the type of person that has to know the why and how of things. My knowledge base has definitely expanded since I married into the shipping container business 8 years ago. At the time I saw shipping containers on a daily basis as I sat at a railroad crossing on the way to and from work as a school teacher in Arizona. I never gave them any thought other than to play the game of counting them as they zipped by me.
I would never have imagined in a million years that I would be part owner and founder of a business that sells, modifies, rents and educates the public in the infinite uses of shipping containers. I have learned so much in the past 5 years of being in the business. Here is some sampling of the vast facts that fill my head on a daily basis.
A few terms we use on a daily basis.
HC- stands for high cube, which is a foot taller than a standard 8’6” unit.
DD- Five years ago I would have said it is a bra size for a well-endowed woman, but it actually stands for double door, which means the container has double doors on each end.
One Tripper- Means a new unit that has made “one trip” from China to the U.S. or where ever it gets off loaded. For others it just means new.
CW- A channel on T.V? Nope it means cargo worthy- which means it can get a cargo worthy certificate and can be shipped onto ships for oversea cargo.
OS- This is one of my favorite kinds of containers. OS stands for Open Side shipping containers, the entire side of the container opens up. Very handy to load and unload material.
Weight of a 20’ container- 5130 lbs
Weight of a 40’ container- 8650 lbs
This is just a very few terms we use on a daily basis. There are so many more especially when it comes to the trucking side of the business. IFTA, DOT and ERI’s are a few, but I will save it for another blog. Those terms bring on an instant headache. Sometimes learning too much so fast makes we want to remain ignorant.
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