Reefers Are Beautiful
Beauty is not only skin deep, sometimes it radiates down to the core. How many of us have looked at the outside of something and think it is beautiful? Take a used car for example. It is newly polished and waxed and the tires have a new coat of Armor All making them look like they have a good 60,000 miles left on them. You think that is the one I want. You take a peek under the hood and the saying “it’s all bad”, pops into your head. This “Beauty” is only skin deep.
Why is beauty important in business?
It sells. We see it on a daily basis in advertising. What looks good sells, but you won’t last long in the business world if all you have is all show and no go. Here at USA-Containers we pride ourselves to have both show and go, especially with our refrigerated shipping container. We take a lot of time and expense to make sure that our reefer units not only look good but run even better. We are aware that they sit outside your place of business and it needs to reflect your business standards, which is professional. Plus, it has our business emblem on it and it reflects who we are too.
So what do we do to make sure our reefer units are beautiful inside and out?
A lot. Depending on the unit it takes weeks. First, our Reefer Manager Mike Doss does a complete strip of the unit. Every nut and bolt is checked, all doors, coverings, and panels are removed. This allows Mike to check, inspect and test all major components. Next, he moves onto the electrical connections. All are inspected, cleaned and repaired if needed. Then the entire unit is steam cleaned, repainted and reassembled.
Once the unit is put back together a complete mechanical function test is done on all the components. The reefer is run through all the phases of operations, full cooling, chilled, heat and auto/manual defrost. The controller, software and data logging systems are tested too.
Of course if anything is found defective it is replaced with new components. Trust us we don’t want to be called in the middle of the night to say one of our reefers is on the fritz. We make sure our units are good to go, so we don’t have to go. Working closely with our customers, we provide them with the information that they need to make sure their reefers are in great working condition. At times, we even do courtesy checks if we are in the area.
We pride ourselves in good customer service.
Our reefer rental fleet is growing every year and we know it is because of the care we take with not only the reefer units themselves but also our customers. We want them to see our reefers are beautiful inside and out and not just skin deep.
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