Service After the Sale
It’s All About The Service After The Sale!
Service After the Sale support should be a major factor in your decision making process when it comes to refrigerated containers. This is true for whether you rent or purchase a refrigerated container.
Grateful Graze, a good customer of ours, recently contacted us in need of service. They purchased a refrigerated container from us in 2018 stating it was now inoperable. So we discussed their symptoms over the phone. We determined that the most likely cause was a faulty evaporator motor. Mr. Mike Doss, one of our reefer gurus, hooked up to our reefer repair trailer. This trailer is outfitted with all the tools and spare parts needed to repair refrigerated containers in the field. Arriving at the customers site within a few hours, he had the unit repaired and operational in no time. We pride ourselves in providing our customers 24/7/365 service and support. We can assist with overnight shipment of replacement parts, technical support to local repair companies and assistance with finding repair vendors in remote areas.
To learn more about our good customer, visit their website.
The holistic grazing methods we use are producing a quality meat product that many people are finding to be their preference. Both for flavor and the health benefits. – Grateful Graze
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